Hacks, Resources, and Rights: Pregnant at University

Pregnant at University

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Pregnant in College — Impossible or Perfect Timing?

🙎‍♀️Young and Pregnant: What are my options? Take the Quiz

  • As a pregnant student, you are under legal protection; it is unlawful to be discriminated against.
  • Therefore, colleges and universities make adjustments and provide concessions for pregnant students. They are often set up to take care of the needs of pregnant students by utilizing staff members and posting information on their websites.
  • Additionally, you are given access to financial support.
  • Depending on your area, between 1 in 7 (Canada) and 1 in 3 (UK) individuals enrolled in higher education are student parents. In the US, 1/4 of the college student population are parents.

Know your rights and receive helpful pointers by reading this article!

Young and Pregnant: What Are My Options? — Quiz

Still in school, college, training, new job, gap year… and pregnant? Wondering whether you might be too young? Answer three multiple-choice questions and receive an immediate professional evaluation. Know your options and receive support and tips on discerning a way forward!

My Situation:

Pregnant While Studying — A World of Opportunities

When you found out you were pregnant, it may have seemed like you had to decide between dropping out of school or terminating your pregnancy. Fortunately, those are not your only two options. A world of opportunities has just been opened for you:

Protections and provisions are in place so that you can thrive as a student parent.

Pregnant in College — Are There Disadvantages?

By law, you may not be discriminated against for being pregnant while enrolled in higher education. This means you may not be treated unfairly or unfavorably because you are pregnant or have a child. Wondering which laws to fall back on?

Here are your country’s laws that protect you as a pregnant or parenting student:

Reactions to your Pregnancy on Campus

When you tell your tutor or professor you are pregnant, their blank expression may feel unnerving. Don’t assume they are not happy for you. The fact is, they are obligated not to show emotion until they know that you are keeping the baby. Only then will you be met with congratulations.

Things to Consider

Here are some things you may be considering if you are pregnant at university.

  1. Timing (taking a leave of absence, switching to part-time)
  2. Exams, term papers, and other credit requirements
  3. Internships or work-studies while pregnant — what are the options?
  4. Childcare
  5. Living arrangements
  6. Location (returning in person or switching to online school, Staying, or transferring to a cheaper college)
  7. Medical insurance

1. ⏰ Timing

There are several options for you to consider regarding organizing your studies around pregnancy and childbirth.

Leave of Absence

After giving birth, many student moms desire to take time off. Thereby the baby receives undivided attention while the mom can adjust to her new situation. You have the option of taking a semester off. You may even be required to take parental leave (Republic of Ireland). Specific financial support is generally available for your time away.

  • Here is information on student maternity leave, specific to your area:
  • United States of America:

    • A pregnancy may lead you to withdraw from your studies for medical reasons. Therefore, it is advisable to sign up for tuition insurance.
      • You would be reimbursed all your student fees, including:
        • Enrollment fees
        • Tuition
        • Room and board
  • Great Britain:

    • You are entitled to a leave of absence, but you are not obligated to take maternity leave.
    • Apply for Universal Credit.
    • Contact your assessment authority in writing to request your student finance to continue. This is up to their discretion. Include:
      • An explanation of your financial hardship, should their payments cease
      • An explanation of your lack of alternative income
      • List of monthly expenses
    • Apply to the discretionary Student Financial Support Fund. Include:
      • Reason for your leave of absence
      • Date when you will return to university
      • Rejection letter from the assessment authority for student finance
    • Students enrolled on NHS pre-registration courses who are receiving the maintenance grant element of the NHS Bursary will continue to receive their normal monthly bursary payments, including any dependent’s allowances, during their maternity leave/absence.

    Northern Ireland:

    Republic of Ireland:

    • If you have not paid into the system, but are receiving One Parent Family Payment, you can apply for Half-Rate Maternity Benefit.
    • You must go on maternity leave two weeks before your due date and may return to your studies four weeks after the due date.
    • Let your tutor know at least four weeks before you go on maternity leave. You must supply your tutor with a medical certificate confirming the pregnancy and specifying the due date.
    • Your tutor will bring your request for leave before the academic registry. You will most likely have to go off-books, unless much of your leave falls within a vacation period. 
  • Australia:

    • Centrelink Education Entry Payment helps you pay the costs of returning to your studies. You do not need to make a separate application. Once you provide your proof of enrollment, Centrelink will automatically assess your eligibility for Education Entry Payment.

  • Canada:

    • You can take leave for up to three terms. You will have to fill out a leave of absence form, available from your university. Talk to a member of your university’s Family Care Office or your Students Union.
    • There is financial assistance available to you while on maternity leave
    • If you are a doctoral student who is taking a leave of absence, you can apply for the SGS Parental Grants and receive up to $5833 per term.
    • You can also apply for OASP.

    New Zealand:

    • You have the right to take a leave of absence. If you take a break which lasts more than three weeks, your regular student payments may cease.
    • This is when you can apply for Jobseeker Support Student Hardship.

    South Africa:

    • Go to the Office of Student Support (OSS) for assistance. They will arrange for you to take a "leave of absence" (LOA) rather than having to de-register.
    • A student mother who wishes to return immediately after the birth of her baby must provide the school with a medical attest, certifying that she is physically fit to do so.
  • Austria:





  • For more information on regulations and payments in your area, go to Maternity Leave.

Uninterrupted Study

Want to continue your studies without taking a break? This is permissible in most areas, and accommodations are made to ensure a smooth transition to student parenthood. Specifics for your region are listed below.

Switching to Part-Time

Part-time studies usually means taking 2 to 3 classes per semester. The advantages include:

  • Lower tuition cost
  • Flexible schedule

Ask your student advisor how many credit hours are required for you to keep your eligibility for student loans or scholarships.

2. ✍️ Exams, Term Papers, and Other Credit Requirements

Student parents usually have a special status, allowing for specific accommodations to be made. Of course, these are only available to students who choose to reveal their pregnancy status.

For details about accommodations for student moms, find your region below:

  • United States of America:

    According to Title IX regulations, “your school MUST:

    • Excuse absences due to pregnancy or childbirth for as long as your doctor says it is necessary.
    • Allow you to return to the same academic and extracurricular status as before your medical leave began, which should include giving you the opportunity to make up any work missed while you were out.
    • Ensure that teachers understand the Title IX requirements related to excused absences/medical leave. Your teacher may not refuse to allow you to submit work after a deadline you missed because of pregnancy or childbirth. If your teacher’s grading is based in part on class participation or attendance and you missed class because of pregnancy or childbirth, you should be allowed to make up the participation or attendance credits you didn’t have the chance to earn.
    • Provide pregnant students with the same special services it provides to students with temporary medical conditions. This includes homebound instruction/at-home tutoring/independent study.”
  • Great Britain:

    • Discuss your plans with your tutor. If your tutor is not providing sufficient support, don’t let this disturb you. Contact the Head of Department.
    • For more helpful hints, go to Pregnant at Uni.

    Northern Ireland:

    • Tell your tutor if you need an extension to an assignment deadline. If this is your final assignment, you must use the special circumstances procedure within 14 days of the cut-off date. Include a letter from your doctor or midwife in your application stating that you could not meet the deadline.

    Republic of Ireland:

    • Your program handbook will tell you where and how to apply for accommodations and deferrals. This could be the college office, the Student Affairs Committee, your department office, or your tutor, but not the Examinations Office.
    • If you are granted a deferred examination, all other examinations for that time period will automatically be deferred.
    • Once you inform your tutor of your pregnancy, your tutor is expected to create a management plan for you.
  • Australia:

    • Contact your course director if you would like to decrease your study load.
    • Speak to your subject coordinator/s about accommodations, such as extensions.
    • Get in touch with the Student Liaison Team (Disability) if pregnancy symptoms disrupt your studies.
  • Canada:

    • For accommodations and deferrals contact the University Registrar’s Office.

    New Zealand:

    • Accommodations differ from university to university. Oftentimes exemption forms are used.

    South Africa:

    • Talk to your module coordinator(s). You may be asked to show the baby’s birth certificate.
  • Austria:





3. 💪 Internships or Work-Studies While Pregnant

  • Perhaps you have been assigned a job — on or off campus — as part of a work-study program. Work studies are often relevant to your studies and are a means of making your education more affordable.
  • Some courses include an internship or practicum lasting several weeks or even months. This may have been planned well in advance and now coincides with your delivery date. Or perhaps the practicum is not suitable during pregnancy?

Learn about internships/work requirements and accommodations for pregnant and parenting students by clicking your region below:

  • United States of America:

    • According to Title IX regulations, if you choose to complete your internship, you should be permitted to do so:
    • “Your school must allow you to participate in classes and extracurricular activities even though you are pregnant and not require you to submit a doctor’s note unless your school requires a doctor’s note from all students who have a physical or emotional condition requiring treatment by a doctor. Your school also must not require a doctor’s note from you after you have been hospitalized for childbirth unless it requires a doctor’s note from all students who have been hospitalized for other conditions.”
  • Great Britain:

    • You must take compulsory maternity leave from your internship for two weeks after your baby is born.

    Northern Ireland:

    • You must take compulsory maternity leave for two weeks after your baby is born, or four weeks if your internship is in a factory.
    • When you inform your tutor of your pregnancy, your tutor will review the risk assessment for your specific work and make necessary changes to protect you and your unborn baby's health.

    Republic of Ireland:

    • Each internship has their own policy guidelines written by your university. Longer internships may allow for sick leave or maternity leave. Usually, internships can be postponed.
    • If you are employed, maternity leave rights and regulations apply to your situation.
    • You must take at least 2 weeks’ maternity leave before your baby is due, and at least 4 weeks after the baby is born.
  • Australia:

    • If you intend to take part in a professional experience while pregnant, you must give your course coordinator a medical certificate stating your fitness to undertake the placement.
    • A risk assessment will be made before your placement.
    • When pregnant, you have the choice to withdraw from your internship without penalty and complete the placement later. Discuss this with the Program Convenor. You may also continue with the placement.

  • Canada:

    • If you are currently working as well as studying and have been with your current employer for at least 13 weeks, you may be entitled to a leave of absence and your job will be protected.
    • If you are pregnant, you are entitled to 17 weeks' pregnancy leave and up to 61 weeks of parental leave from work.
    • Check whether you are eligible by going to Service Canada.

    New Zealand:

    South Africa:

    • If your placement puts you in an environment that uses procedures, substances, and chemicals that may be potentially hazardous to your health or the health of your unborn baby, you are required to notify the module coordinator of your pregnancy.
  • Austria:





4. 🚼 Childcare in College

Most courses of study require a lot of time and attention, necessitating childcare. The need for childcare also arises if you are supporting yourself and the baby while studying. The university and the government often make provisions both to help with the facilitation and funding of childcare.

This is how your childcare needs are being met in your region:

5. 🏠 Living Arrangements for Student Parents

You have the right to live in your dorm room until delivery. This buys you time to find suitable housing for you and your baby. Some universities provide family apartments. Government housing or rent support is usually made available to student moms. For housing support in your area, click on your region:

6. 🗺️ Location

  • Another option worth considering is to transfer your studies. Perhaps switching to your local college will allow you to continue studying by broadening your support base. Placing yourself closer to home may provide you with the support of family, close friends, or relatives.
  • Online school may also be a good fit, giving you more flexibility regarding location and timing.
  • Employers usually look at your academic performance rather than the name of your school. Switching to a less prestigious school rarely affects your career opportunities.

7. 🩺 Medical Insurance

Worried about maternity medical bills? As a low-income student, you are usually covered, even in countries such as the USA, where medical costs are generally high.

Do you have any questions or concerns? Write your message directly here ⬇️

💰 Financial Support for Pregnant Students

Fortunately, pregnant and parenting students have recourse to public and private funding, providing them with ample financial support.

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Pregnant at university: Financial assistance is available throughout your college career.

1. Scholarships and other Resources for Pregnant Students

Find scholarships for student parents by searching for your region below:

2. Government Support for Pregnant Students

This is where you can find information on your government’s financial aid for student parents. Find your region below:

Peer Support for Pregnant Students

Walking this road with other student parents can make a huge difference: You have a community to do life with. You can find out what worked for others, trade baby clothes and babysitting duties, and feel understood. Universities often facilitate groups for pregnant and parenting students. Find out how to access a peer support group in your region by referring to the chart below:

University: Perfect Timing for Pregnancy and Childbirth?!

There are advantages to having a baby while at university. In retrospect, many student parents felt this was providential rather than unfortunate.
Here are some real-life experiences of student moms:

  • "I have never had so much time for my child as I did during my student years. The flexibility was invaluable!"
  • "Parenthood sharpens one’s personal skills: Bearing responsibility, time, and financial management. These essential skills for a successful life and have added to my employability."
  • "Parenting while I am young makes it easier for me to relate to my child. I get so much more out of the experience."
  • "Knowing that I was improving my children's future was a huge motivator to keep going."

Nonetheless, it is understandable that you initially feel overwhelmed at the thought of managing your studies and raising a child simultaneously. It might be helpful to remind yourself of your strengths and resources — why not take one of the free tests below?

Unintended Pregnancy in College — Overrun with Concerns

Hopefully, this article has given you some ideas on navigating studies and pregnancy simultaneously... You may still feel unsure, flooded by mixed emotions and many thoughts on where to go from here.

We understand! You do not have to walk this road alone. Our free digital resources provide you with unbiased counsel. Get the clarity you need to discern which path is right for you:

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