Terminating a Pregnancy after Viability
🩺 Unsure whether to have a termination for medical reasons? Take the Quiz
- An abortion after 27 weeks is considered a third-trimester abortion.
- This procedure is unavailable in most regions unless the life of the mother is at risk or the baby is diagnosed with birth defects that are incompatible with life.
- A third-trimester abortion usually takes four days to complete.
This page addresses the most common questions about third-trimester abortions and seeks to provide guidance.
Should I Get a Termination for Medical Reasons (TFMR)? — Quiz
Wondering whether to terminate your pregnancy because of possible fetal health problems? Answer three multiple-choice questions about your situation and receive an immediate evaluation!
Third-Trimester Abortion Considerations
Third-trimester abortions are very rare. According to statistics from the CDC¹ , less than 0.9% of abortions are performed in the third trimester. Most pregnancies that have progressed beyond 26 weeks are desired, but a medical diagnosis may have given rise to the question of whether the pregnancy should be continued. Here, the mother's health may be at stake, or the fetus was diagnosed with a severe health defect.
While pressure is often felt to make an immediate decision upon diagnosis, women facing these circumstances usually have time to carefully consider all options, including:
- Are third-trimester abortions legal in my area?
- Is this abortion medically necessary?
- What are ways to respond to a fetal defect diagnosis?
- How do I feel about having a palliative birth?
- Could abortion affect me long-term?
- How much does a late-term abortion cost?
Third-Trimester Abortion Methods
Third-trimester terminations differ significantly from early abortions. Due to the fetal size, other methods are employed, which are longer, more invasive, more costly, and commonly have a greater psychological impact.
Abortions after 27 weeks gestation can be performed by surgery (intact D&E) or by inducing labor. Either choice involves several days of medical treatment and several weeks of recovery. For more information, go to:

Pregnant in the Third Trimester and Unsure
If you are beyond the second trimester and unsure whether to continue the pregnancy, you probably have a lot going through your mind. A recent medical diagnosis may seem like the loss of the dream family you had envisioned. Experiencing this kind of upheaval late in pregnancy can feel very isolating and leave you at a loss for words. As you consider a way forward, allow us to accompany you! Our professional counselors are experienced in dealing with late pregnancy diagnoses. In retrospect, most women share that they were glad they did not rush things but took the time to make a decision that corresponded with their values and deepest desires.
For further guidance, sign up for our weeklong Decision Coaching. You will receive a daily email for seven days containing food for thought and stories of other women facing similar situations.
Abortion or Keep the Baby?
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