Frequently Asked Question: How Do I Get the Abortion Pill for Free?

Can You Get Help Paying for the Abortion Pill?

The question of how to get abortion pills if you don't have money arises mainly in the US. Most other English-speaking countries regulate free medical abortions for their residents, mandating pre-abortion interviews and providing medical oversight to keep possible risks at a minimum.

  • In Great Britain, the abortion pill is paid for by the NHS.
  • In Canada, medical abortions are insured in all provinces.
  • In Ireland, public health services pay for the abortion pill.
  • In Australia, medical abortions are free in NT and SA.
  • In New Zealand, the abortion pill is free to anyone eligible for publicly funded health care.
  • In South Africa, medical abortions are fully covered by public services.

Therefore, the following information is in response to frequently asked questions by US residents:

Is the Abortion Pill Covered by Medicaid?

According to the Hyde Amendment, no federal funds may be used to pay for abortions. This regulation was set in place so that American citizens would not be forced to financially support an action contrary to their conscience. Therefore, Medicaid does not cover medical abortions.

The following 17 states have chosen to use state funds to cover abortion expenses for women who are insured by Medicaid:

Alaska, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington.

How Can You Get the Abortion Pill for Free in Other States?

Exceptions to the Hyde Amendment allow for federal funds to be used for abortions in cases of rape, incest, or life endangerment. The following states fund abortions under these specific circumstances:

  • If conception occurred through rape or incest:
    Additionally to the abovementioned 17 states, Medicaid pays for abortions in cases of rape or incest in the following 19 regions:
    Arizona, Colorado, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Utah, Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming
  • If the baby is diagnosed with a severe fetal defect:
    Iowa and Virginia
  • If the mother's physical health is at risk:
    Arizona, Wisconsin
  • If the continuation of the pregnancy puts the life of the mother at risk:
    All states, even where abortion is banned.

Facing any of the above situations creates additional pressure to make a decision about the pregnancy. Concerns usually go beyond the financial realm. It’s about making a good choice and discerning a way forward.

You don’t have to walk this road alone. Seek counsel from someone who does not have an agenda, but helps you discern what you really want and feel good about long term.

Does My Insurance Cover Medical Abortions?

Private insurances are not required to cover elective abortions and may be barred from offering coverage where abortion is banned by state law. Therefore, almost 70% of women pay for their abortions out-of-pocket.

The question of whether your insurance covers the cost of the abortion pill is best answered by your insurance representative.

Some women choose to forego insurance coverage to keep the abortion a secret from family members. This would be a very isolating place to find oneself in. If this is the situation you are facing, please know that there are counseling centers where you can find support while remaining anonymous.

I Need Help Paying for an Abortion

Perhaps your pregnancy came as a complete surprise, and money concerns are leading you to consider an abortion. But even the abortion expenses are more than you can afford. While the federal government disallows its funds to be used for abortion, generous funding is available should you choose to keep the baby.

During a financial crisis, our mind often seeks quick answers. Oftentimes, our heart takes longer to formulate its desires. By law, you have 10 weeks until the cut-off date for using the abortion pill. Allow us to come alongside you as you use the time you are given to discern a path which allows both heart and mind a voice in the matter.

  • Next Up:

    How much does the abortion pill cost? 

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