Seeking a way out? DIY Abortion

DIY Abortions

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Homemade Abortion

🤔 Could I have a self-managed abortion? — Take the quiz!

Are you afraid that someone may find out about your pregnancy? Are you looking for a secret way out? Perhaps you are fearful of having surgery or medical procedures in general and are looking for a type of holistic herbal method? Or maybe finances or regulations hinder you from getting a regular abortion.

Nevertheless, a DIY abortion is not an easy way out and can even be dangerous to your health. Here is what you need to know about DIY abortions:

  • Self-inducing an abortion is illegal in many countries and states, even where abortion is legal.
  • DIY abortion attempts are often unsuccessful because the possible expulsion of the embryo is only a secondary effect of toxic exposure to an herbal or medical overdose. The primary effect of the substance can be significantly damaging to your health.
  • Most DIY abortion methods, whether medical, herbal, or non-medical (using implements), carry higher risks and side effects, making them unsafe.
  • Even if you feel hesitant to confide in someone, it might help not to keep your concerns to yourself—because, whether you abort or not, this pregnancy will always be part of your history. Getting the support you need is vital in making a decision you feel good about in the long run.

Continue reading this article to learn about legal regulations and further options regarding your pregnancy!

Could I have a self-managed abortion? — Quiz

Wondering whether to have a self-induced abortion using home remedies? Answer three multiple-choice questions about your situation and receive a professional evaluation within seconds on your screen.

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Are DIY Abortions Legal?

Most countries have stricter laws on self-induced abortions than on abortions overseen by a physician. These regulations are meant to protect women, since DIY abortions can be harmful to your health.

It is safe to assume that any restrictions on abortion in general also apply to homemade abortions.

Circulating concoctions or objects intended for self-administering abortions is prosecuted in many countries.

In many regions, DIY abortions are even considered a crime. In this case, self-managed abortions are illegal, even within the legal parameters of abortion. The concern for the safety of the woman outweighs her desired freedom.

What are Typical Abortion Home Remedies?

If you search online for self-managed abortions, you will find homemade abortion "instructions." The two most frequently mentioned methods are:

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Using “natural abortifacients” to terminate a pregnancy can endanger the woman's health – and is, therefore, illegal.

Tea Abortion

Creating an abortion cocktail using herbs such as parsley, sage, saffron, or mugwort does not induce an abortion directly. However, the consumption of high doses of supplements and herbs can cause adverse reactions such as stomach cramps, diarrhea, and vomiting. It is possible that this would trigger contractions of the uterus, causing the baby to be expelled. However, an overdose of tea or herbs is more likely to cause health complications for the mother than actually trigger an abortion.

DIY Abortion with Medication

In most countries, drugs with abortifacient effects — such as mifepristone and prostaglandins — are prescription only and cannot be obtained over the counter.

In general, it is advisable to be cautious with medications and obtain them only through a doctor or pharmacy. Your body is too valuable to risk the contents of street-corner or foreign pills!

It is also never a good idea to take more than the recommended dose of over-the-counter medications, such as pain relievers, or prescription medications, such as antibiotics, as the side effects can be harmful to your general health.

Learn more about:

What Are DIY Abortion Risks?

Physician-facilitated abortions can lead to complications. Like any procedure or medication, there are risks involved, but much higher risks are associated with DIY abortions.

In many cases, herbal abortifacients or other home remedies do not lead to a complete abortion but can be detrimental to your health.

Using an instrument to induce abortion can cause injuries that may lead to heavy bleeding or internal wounds.

⛔️ The worst-case outcome would be life-threatening due to blood poisoning, heavy bleeding, or overdose. Therefore, it is advisable not to attempt a self-managed abortion. Your life is valuable!

Indurre un aborto fai da te

Get the best medical and mental health support possible. You are worth it!

Are you suffering from the effects of an attempted abortion? Seek medical help immediately!

❗️If you are debating whether to see a doctor after a failed abortion because you fear legal repercussions, please know that taking care of your health takes priority in this situation! A doctor might not be able to tell for sure whether you have attempted an abortion or experienced a miscarriage. The doctor’s primary focus will be ensuring your safety and recovery.

  • 🏥 Abortion methods – What do I need to know? Test

Pregnant and Anxious

Finding out about your pregnancy has probably been very upsetting or a source of intense challenges and anxiety. You may have kept your concerns to yourself until now without confiding in anyone.

Like you, many other women facing an unintended pregnancy hope that "nature will take care of it" or that there might be a way to cause an early miscarriage. Everything may feel too much right now – even the thought of making a decision or seeking advice may seem overwhelming. But at the same time, you are looking for solutions and long for renewed hope and strength.

We have a wealth of free resources, which we would love to share with you. You are not alone as you walk through this dark valley. Your heart is worth more than a quick fix! Use the links below to discern your fears and desires and possible solutions:


  • The attempt to give yourself an abortion can lead to serious side effects. These risks make self-abortions unsafe for the pregnant woman.

    Therefore, abortions must be performed under the supervision of a medical provider. Self-inducing an abortion is usually illegal. The pursuit of a DIY abortion often stems from the desire not to be found out. More than ever, this would be a good time to choose someone to confide in.

  • Having an abortion via natural means such as using herbal extracts is considered a criminal offense in many countries. These laws are meant to protect women from the high risks and complications associated with self-induced abortions. Therefore, most governments require abortions to be performed by medical staff. When a woman desires to "fix things" on her own, her situation is usually bleak. Support is available.

  • An abortion can lead to heavy bleeding, adhesions, or a greater risk of infection. Apart from the physical side effects, having an abortion can have emotional repercussions. Every woman's story is unique. Therefore, each woman has the right to carefully weigh her personal concerns before making a decision.

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