Where Can I Get an Abortion?
- Medical abortions usually take place at home, but the abortion pill needs to be obtained from a provider.
- Surgical abortions take place in hospitals, doctor’s offices, and various types of clinics, including specialized abortion clinics.
- Most surgical abortions are outpatient. Only 4% of abortions (induction abortions and complications) require an overnight stay.
- In most countries, surgical abortions must be performed by trained medical staff.
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Abortion Provider Near Me
Wondering where to go for an abortion? Since a licensed physician must prescribe or perform abortions in most countries, the abortion pill and surgical abortions are usually obtained at:
- Doctors’ offices
- Various kinds of clinics
- Specialized abortion clinics
- Hospitals
Abortion providers are usually found in major cities rather than rural areas.
- 🚗 Traveling to Get an Abortion? Read this Article!
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Abortion Pill Near Me
Wondering where to get abortion pills? Find information below about where to acquire the abortion pill in your country:
- Abortion pills are only dispensed by very few retail pharmacies. Usually, the prescribing physician, NP, or PA either gives the drug directly to the patient or sends it in the mail. Requesting abortion pills via telemedicine is only permitted in 21 states, so obtaining the abortion pill often requires a visit with an abortion provider. Where and when the medication is taken depends on state laws and the clinic’s policies. The first pill (mifepristone) is commonly taken at the doctor’s office. A second set of pills (misoprostol) is provided to be taken 1–3 days later.
Great Britain:
- The abortion pill can only be obtained directly from an NHS hospital or licensed clinic.
Northern Ireland:
- Many women travel to England to obtain the abortion pill.
Republic of Ireland:
- Abortion pills are obtained at an abortion facility.
- The abortion pill must be prescribed by a medical doctor to purchase it at a pharmacy.
- Here, the abortion pill is known under the brand name Mifegymiso®. It can be obtained at specific pharmacies with a prescription only.
New Zealand:
- The abortion pill must be obtained directly from an abortion provider. It is not available at a pharmacy.
South Africa:
- The abortion pill is available in public facilities across South Africa. You will, however, need a prescription at a pharmacy.
- See our Austrian page: Abtreibungspille FAQ
- A prescription may be required to purchase the pills, depending on the individual pharmacy.
- See our German page: Abtreibungspille FAQ
- See our Italian page: Pillola abortiva: 12 domande più frequenti
- The abortion pill combination can only be obtained with a prescription from specific pharmacies or at abortion clinics.
- See our Portuguese page: Pílula abortiva FAQ
- See our Swiss page: Abtreibungspille FAQ
- Abortion pills must be prescribed by doctors at approved hospitals or clinics.
The Netherlands:
- The abortion pill is only available at abortion clinics and hospitals.
⚠️ Note: In many countries, abortion pills cannot be dispensed by retail pharmacies.
If pharmacies are prohibited by law from carrying the abortion pill, the prescribing physician either gives the drug directly to the patient or sends it in the mail.
- Find out whether your pharmacy dispenses the abortion pill in this article.
- For more information on ordering the abortion pill, go to Tele-Abortions.
Where and when you take the medicine depends on the local laws and the clinic’s policies. The first medication (mifepristone) is commonly taken at the doctor's office. You are then sent home with a dose of misoprostol, which is to be taken at a later point in time.
During at-home abortions, the second medication will induce cramping, causing the fetus to be expelled over the course of several hours or days. After the abortion, a follow-up visit with your doctor is recommended to ascertain whether the abortion is complete.
- For more information, go to Abortion Pill FAQs.
- 💰 How much does the abortion pill cost?
- 🏥 Abortion methods — What do I need to know? Test
Surgical Abortion Near Me — Abortion Services: International Overview
Find information below about where to go for a surgical abortion in your country:
- Two-thirds of all surgical abortions are performed in specialized abortion clinics. All other abortions are performed in doctors‘ offices and hospitals.
Great Britain:
- NHS hospital or licensed clinic
Northern Ireland:
- Some public hospitals. Most women travel to England.
Republic of Ireland:
- GP surgery; family planning clinic; women's health clinic; hospital
- Public health facilities & hospitals; private clinics and hospitals
New Zealand
- You must have a doctor's referral to access the abortion system. Abortions take place at licensed institutions that are attached to a local hospital.
South Africa
- Availability is limited to some doctors’ offices, hospitals, and clinics.
- Abortions can be obtained without a doctor's referral at abortion clinics or with a doctor's referral at a hospital. Not available on PEI. No abortion provider performs abortions past 24 weeks in Canada.
The Netherlands:
- A legal resident of the Netherlands, can obtain abortions at an abortion clinic (Exceptional Medical Expenses Act) or hospital (health insurance). Private abortions usually take place at abortion clinics.
- Private clinics; hospitals; public health centers
- Some hospitals and clinics in urban areas
- Abortions can be obtained at 13 locations in Mexico City. While abortion is lawful throughout the country, not many abortion facilities exist outside Mexico City.
- ⏳ Wondering how much time you have left for your decision? Go to: Until When Can I Get An Abortion?
- 👨⚖️ Could I be punished for getting an abortion?
- 💰 Want to know the price of a vacuum aspiration? Go to: How Much Does an Abortion Cost?
Outpatient vs. Overnight Stay
Outpatient Abortion:
96% of surgical abortions, such as vaccum aspiration, D&C, D&E, and D&X, are outpatient. . Outpatient means the woman will leave the clinic the same day the abortion is performed. After resting in the recovery room for about an hour, the woman is released home.
- If sedation was used, you may not drive for the remainder of the day. Arrange for a ride home. For more information, go to Abortion - Which Type of Anesthesia?
- Plan on having someone stay with you for the first night. You may also need to arrange practical help and support for the following few days.
- A follow-up appointment after two to three weeks is recommended.
Overnight Abortion:
Only induction abortions, or medically complex situations, require an overnight stay.
Consult a doctor immediately when experiencing severe side effects. Abortion may result in emotional distress, necessitating professional help. This may include an overnight stay in a hospital ward.
- 🛤 Could an abortion affect me long term? Take the Test
Where to Go from Here…
You are probably reading this because you are wondering where to get an abortion. While an internet search will provide you with the location of abortion providers in your area, you are likely looking for more than facts. Your situation is probably anything but easy, making you feel like your whole world is falling apart. The questions that are likely going through your mind would be, “Where do I go from here? Should I have an abortion? How do I know what is right for me?”
Our judgment-free resources were created with you in mind. Find the path that is right for you:
- ⛑ Where do I go from here? — Quick Answers Quiz
- 📝 My reasons for and against abortion - self evaluation
- 👥 What is my pregnancy personality? Take the Test
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Disclaimer: The locations listed in this article are not guaranteed by Profemina. All information is subject to change due to constantly shifting abortion policies worldwide.