Know the Facts: Abortion in Mexico

Abortion in Mexico

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Is Abortion Legal in Mexico?

  • Abortion was recently decriminalized in Mexico but remains illegal in 20 states.
  • 12 States allow abortions within the first 15 weeks of pregnancy.
  • Misoprostol can be used for abortions until the 9th week of pregnancy.

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Can You Get an Abortion in Mexico?

The question of whether you can get an abortion in Mexico cannot be answered uniformly for the entire country. Abortion parameters vary significantly from state to state. Twelve Mexican states authorize abortion until the 15th week of pregnancy — counting from the first day of the last menstrual period (LMP). Abortion is banned in the remaining 20 Mexican states.

Abortion exemptions are given in some states for the following situations:

  • Rape, incest, and forced artificial insemination
  • Fetal defect
  • Continuation of the pregnancy threatens the physical health of the mother
  • Continuation of the pregnancy threatens the life of the mother
  • Large family size

Refer to our chart for abortion regulations in each region. The abortion limits are given in weeks of gestation, counting from the last menstrual period (LMP):

Region Reg.
abortion limit
Rape, incest, or forced artificial insemination Fetal
of the mother
Life of the mother
Aguascalientes* 15 w permitted permitted permitted permitted
Baja California 15 w permitted permitted permitted permitted
Baja California Sur 15 w permitted permitted permitted permitted
Campeche banned permitted banned banned permitted
Chiapas banned permitted banned banned permitted
Chihuahua banned permitted banned permitted permitted
Coahuila de Zaragoza 15 w permitted permitted permitted permitted
Colima 15 w permitted permitted permitted permitted
Durango banned permitted banned banned permitted
Guanajuato banned permitted banned banned banned
Guerrero 15 w permitted permitted permitted permitted
Hidalgo 15 w permitted permitted permitted permitted
Jalisco banned permitted banned banned permitted
México banned permitted banned banned permitted
Ciudad de México 15 w permitted permitted permitted permitted
Michoacán de Ocampo banned permitted banned banned permitted
Morelos banned permitted banned banned permitted
Nayarit banned permitted banned banned permitted
Nuevo León banned permitted banned banned permitted
Oaxaca 15 w permitted permitted permitted permitted
Puebla banned permitted banned banned permitted
Querétaro banned permitted permitted permitted permitted
Quintana Roo 15 w permitted permitted permitted permitted
San Luis Potosí banned permitted banned banned permitted
Sinaloa 15 w permitted permitted permitted permitted
Sonora banned permitted banned banned permitted
Tabasco banned permitted banned banned permitted
Tamaulipas banned permitted banned banned permitted
Tlaxcala banned permitted banned banned permitted
Veracruz de
Ignacio de la Llave
15 w permitted permitted permitted permitted
Yucatán banned, unless the mother has 3 or more children permitted banned banned permitted
Zacatecas banned permitted banned banned permitted

*In areas such as Aguascalientes, where abortion has only been legalized recently, abortion may be unavailable since there may not be any established service providers.

ℹ️ For more information, go to:

How Late Can You Get an Abortion in Mexico?

Abortion is available in 12 of the 32 Mexican states until 15 weeks LMP. The first day of the last menstrual period, aka LMP, is considered the first day of pregnancy. For details in your area, refer to our chart of abortion regulations in Mexico.

Two types of abortion are possible during early pregnancy:

1. Medical Abortion
In Mexico, it is common to use a misoprostol-only regimen instead of using the abortion pill (a combo pack of mifepristone and misoprostol). This type of medication abortion is available upon prescription until the 9th week of pregnancy (LMP). The time window is federally mandated for all Mexican states where abortion is permitted because the risk of complications increases exponentially if used beyond this point.

2. Surgical Abortion
Vacuum aspiration is the primary surgical abortion method used until the 15th week of pregnancy in Mexico.
D&C (dilation and curettage) abortions are performed more rarely as this method is accompanied by higher risk factors.

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Is Abortion Illegal in Mexico?

In September 2023, Mexico officially decriminalized abortion in a Supreme Court ruling. Despite this, abortion remains illegal in 20 of the 32 Mexican states. Refer to our state-by-state listing for details. Regardless of whether abortions are legal or banned in a state, having an abortion beyond the prescribed time limit is illegal in every state.
In Guerrero, where abortion has been permitted since 2022, illegal abortions are still penalized.

Anyone performing or seeking an abortion beyond the legal parameters can be prosecuted for an illegal abortion.

  • Doctors who carry out an illegal abortion with the mother's consent may be sentenced to three years in prison. When carrying out an abortion without the mother's consent, doctors will receive a prison sentence of six years.
  • Women who have illegal abortions may receive prison sentences of two to six years. While this is unconstitutional, state law often overrides national decrees.

Self-inducing an abortion without the authorization of a medical professional is illegal in all states where abortion is banned. This law was established with the health of women in mind. Most homemade abortion methods carry higher risks, making them unsafe. The concern for the safety of the mother is of the highest priority.

Traveling to Mexico to terminate a pregnancy is legal in Mexican states where abortion is permitted. Nevertheless, a voyage would compound an already harrowing experience, and the language barrier may leave concerns and emergencies unaddressed. Keep in mind that all Mexican clinics adhere to local policies. According to the New York Times (25.09.2023), US citizens have been turned away when seeking abortions in Mexico that went beyond regional parameters.

ℹ️ For more information, go to:

I Need an Abortion in Mexico — Now What?

Hopefully, our page addressed some of your practical questions about abortion in Mexico. Perhaps your concerns go beyond the need for information. You may have recently found out you are pregnant, bringing your heart to a standstill while your mind races on.

We are here for you as you navigate your next steps! If you are deliberating whether to have an abortion, you are invited to participate in our weeklong  Decision Coaching sessions. This includes a free daily email for seven days, with thought-provoking ideas and stories of how other pregnant women have dealt with this challenging situation.

👉 Click here for more information and prompts for signing up!

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