Frequently Asked Question: Abortion Pill vs. Procedure — How to Decide?

Medical or Surgical Abortion? Advantages and Disadvantages

When deciding between medication abortion and aspiration, the following aspects often come into play:

Pain Level

Avoiding anesthesia and surgery by using the abortion pill may be considered an advantage when desiring a less invasive method.

The absence of anesthetics in a medical abortion also implies that any pain resulting from the abortion will be felt.

ℹ️ Note: For the safety of women, all abortions, whether medical or procedural, must be overseen by a medical provider. Even in an at-home abortion, pre- and post-abortion examinations and the provision of information and guidance by a medical doctor are vital for avoiding complications. When choosing a medication abortion, a surgical procedure (D&C) sometimes becomes necessary to complete the abortion.

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Location (At Home vs. Clinic)

Some women like the fact that medication abortions can take place at home. This gives them a sense of security in their familiar environment.

Other women describe this as a disadvantage and as a burden. The unfamiliar situation and physical sensations of a medicine abortion can become a source of anxiety. When unsure about her symptoms, the woman is often left to deal with her questions and concerns on her own.

Since one's physical reaction to the abortion medication cannot be foreseen, a doctor should always be reachable in case of emergency.

Time Span (3 Days vs. 15 Minutes)

A medical abortion spans several days, while a vacuum aspiration is completed within 15 minutes. Consciously experiencing the abortion unfold is considered an advantage by some who felt this helped them mentally and emotionally process this event. Others, however, describe this as a significant psychological burden. Additionally, many women who have used the abortion pill mention experiencing uncertainty about whether the abortion is complete or still ongoing.

Legal Limit (10 Weeks vs. 16 Weeks)

For medical reasons, the use of the abortion pill is legally limited to the first 9 or 10 weeks of pregnancy, while vacuum aspirations can be performed until the 14th or 16th week of pregnancy (LMP = counting from the first day of the last menstrual period). When feeling unsure about whether to have an abortion, being given a shorter time frame may be a disadvantage as it increases the pressure to come to a decision sooner.


The price difference between abortion procedures is only considered when abortion is not covered by insurance or government. Here, medical abortions are often the less expensive option.

Discerning the right path is more important than deciding on a method.

Seek medical advice and carefully consider which path is best for you, personally, even in the long run. Because your life matters, your questions and concerns are important. Give yourself the time you need to reach a decision you feel good about.

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    Can you take the abortion pill at home? 

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