Find your path —
in a judgment-free setting

Profemina is a free counseling service for women who are facing an unintended pregnancy.

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You determine what really matters!
Therefore, Profemina operates on three core values:

Empathy, Respect, and Trust

Decision-Coaching Journey

Sign Up Now

Have an abortion or keep the baby — how do I decide?
Are you experiencing an unplanned pregnancy and want to make a decision that is right for you?

It is my honor to walk alongside you as you come to a decision. Sign up now to start your free 7-day email coaching sessions! You will receive the first email as soon as you register.

*We keep your data safe. You can unsubscribe at anytime.

Your coach: Maria, Profemina team member since 2018

You are not alone!
We have accompanied over 500,000 women
and are honored to walk beside you.

Immediate Support

Free & Confidential

Profemina is funded entirely by private donors who care deeply about pregnant women and by women who have benefited from our services. Therefore, all our services are rendered completely free of charge.

Das sagen Frauen über uns

  • Nicole Bolle


    Die liebe Bianca-Maria, hat mir wirklich unglaublich geholfen! Als ich nicht wusste was ich tun sollte, als ich heraus fand das ich schwanger bin hat sie mit mir jeden Tag E-Mails geschrieben, ich konnte meine Gedanken und Gefühle ohne Filter ausdrücken und wurde nicht dafür verurteilt. Sie gab mir Rat und half mir mich richtig für mich zu entscheiden. Ich kann ihr gar nicht genug für alles danken. Solche Menschen sind einzigartig.

  • Vivien Goldmann


  • Mina Blue


    - Ich bin so Dankbar !!!