Can the Morning-After Pill Fail? Pregnant After Taking the Morning-After Pill

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Can I Still Be Pregnant if I Took Emergency Contraceptives?

💊 Wondering whether to use the morning-after pill? Take the Quiz

  • It is possible to become pregnant after using the morning-after pill. This may be the case if ovulation had already occurred when the medication was taken.
  • The emergency contraceptive pill (morning-after pill) is a drug that can be taken within a specific time window after sexual intercourse to prevent pregnancy. It works by delaying ovulation and thereby preventing sperm from meeting the egg.
  • Perhaps you fear that the morning-after pill might have failed. Maybe you are noticing possible signs of pregnancy, or your period is late. Find out the likelihood of being pregnant despite using the morning-after pill and how to respond if your pregnancy is confirmed! Read on.

Should I Take the Morning-After Pill – Test

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💊 For more information about the morning-after pill, go to Top 9 Emergency Contraceptive Facts

Why Can the Morning-After Pill Fail?

There are several reasons why a woman can get pregnant despite taking the emergency contraceptive pill:


It is possible to become pregnant despite taking the morning-after pill if the drug was taken too late in the monthly cycle and ovulation had already occurred or was occurring.

Explanation: The morning-after pill suppresses or postpones ovulation. The goal is for all sperm in the woman’s reproductive tract to reach the end of their lifespan before ovulation. This would keep the sperm from meeting the egg, preventing fertilisation, i.e., pregnancy.

The morning-after pill is only effective when ovulation has not yet occurred. If ovulation is already in progress or completed, conception may happen since the egg is already "on its way" and can encounter sperm cells.

ℹ️ It cannot be ruled out that the morning-after pill may prevent the implantation of an already fertilised egg. The active ingredients of the morning-after pill are intended to make the uterus inhospitable by preventing the buildup of the uterine lining, thus keeping a fertilised egg from implanting.

What Is the Success Rate of the Morning-After Pill?

According to statistics, 95 percent of pregnancies are prevented if the morning-after pill is taken within 24 hours. It is 85 percent effective if taken on the second day after sexual intercourse (24 to 48 hours later).

Additional Reasons for Becoming Pregnant with the Morning-After Pill

The effects of the morning-after pill may also be diminished in the following cases:

  • Vomiting within three hours after taking the pill
  • Interaction with other medications
  • Obesity

Could I Be Pregnant after Morning-After Pill?

Perhaps you have recently taken the morning-after pill and feel that you might still have become pregnant. Maybe you’ve missed your period, your breasts are tender, or you’ve noticed other signs of pregnancy.

The symptoms you think are pregnancy-related could merely be side effects of the emergency contraceptive pill.

Even though the morning-after pill is easy to use, it contains a high dose of hormones. These interfere significantly with your hormonal balance and physical processes. This is why there are often noticeable side effects, which can be similar to premenstrual symptoms.

Side effects of the morning-after pill include:

  • Headache
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Breast tenderness and hypersensitivity
  • Dizziness
  • Delayed menstruation
  • Spotting
  • ...

Our Advice:

  • In this situation, it is a good idea to take a deep breath and then make sense of what is happening.
  • You can gain certainty by taking a home pregnancy test, which you can purchase at most pharmacies. For more information, go to How Does a Pregnancy Test Work?

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Pregnant With Morning-After Pill — Now What?

Perhaps you took the morning-after pill — and have now found out that you got pregnant anyway... And this, even though you likely wanted to avoid pregnancy at all costs. This situation can pull the rug out from under you, and you are probably wondering what to do now.

Try these three things:

1.Give yourself time — to process this news, calm down, and let your decision mature. If you are thinking about abortion, use our ⚖️Abortion Test to evaluate your next steps.

2.Check out our judgment-free informational pages

3.Receive supportive feedback

Can you identify someone to confide in who will have your best interest in mind without pressuring you in any direction? Additionally, take advantage of our free digital counseling options:

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Authors & Sources


Bianca Oser,
Psychological Counselor

Kerstin Dörbecker

Reviewed by:

Team of Psychologists & Reviewed for Medical Accuracy


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