Seeking Reassurance: Am I Pregnant or Am I Overthinking?

Am I Pregnant or Am I Overthinking?

1906131229 | fizkes |

How can I tell if I am really pregnant or just overthinking?

Concerns about a possible pregnancy can become all-encompassing. Take a look at the following questions to help you determine whether you are overthinking:

  • Is your mind constantly busy, calculating your fertile window to assure yourself that you cannot possibly be pregnant?
  • Are you using birth control but still never have peace of mind?
  • Are you obsessing about possible symptoms despite other rational explanations?
  • Are you endlessly googling pregnancy symptoms? (Of course, that is how you found this page!)
  • Are you wearing yourself (and others) out with worrying?
  • Have others told you that your concerns are irrational? Maybe even a doctor?
  • Do your concerns recur monthly?
  • Is the pregnancy test company booming at your expense? Was your pregnancy test negative, but you would like to take another one just to be sure?

How did you do?

If three or more of these questions describe your situation, it is very likely that you are overthinking about a possible pregnancy. This is exhausting both mentally and emotionally. Will you allow us to walk alongside you to ease some of your burden?

Our Online Pregnancy Test was created with your situation in mind. You can take it even before a regular pregnancy test would show a result. And the best part: you can take it over and over at no expense — it is completely free of charge.

And if you end up being pregnant after all, we will continue to be there for you.

Take our Online Pregnancy Test and receive an initial assessment.

Completing the test takes approx. 2 minutes. A professional evaluation will immediately appear on your screen. You will also be sent a copy via email for later review.

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Choose date:
My cycle is…
I think I may be pregnant because…
(Choose all that apply)
Since my last period, I have been sexually active or intimate:
What could have impacted my menstrual cycle?

(Choose all that apply)

I am experiencing the following symptoms, which make me wonder whether I am pregnant:

(Choose all that apply)

Since my last period, I had sex or was physically intimate:
If it turns out you are pregnant, how would you feel?
If it turns out you are pregnant, how would you feel?
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*Required fields

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Your data protection is important to us! You can go to our data protection policy for more information.

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