Possible Ways Forward Pregnant During Apprenticeship

Pregnant During Apprenticeship

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Things to Consider When Pregnant During Vocational Training

🙎‍♀️ Young and Pregnant: What are my options? — Quiz

  • You have several options for completing your training despite pregnancy:
  • You may want to investigate extending the training period by taking a baby break or completing your apprenticeship before the baby arrives.
  • Talk to your supervisor or tutor to create a plan that works for you.

Young and Pregnant: What Are My Options? — Quiz

Still in school, college, training, new job, gap year… and pregnant? Wondering whether you might be too young? Answer three multiple-choice questions and receive an immediate professional evaluation. Know your options and receive support and tips on discerning a way forward!

My Situation:

Pregnant — What About My Apprenticeship?

You only just entered the workforce - and now you're pregnant? Understandably, this may initially come as a shock. You are probably wondering, “How will my supervisor react? Will I still be able to complete my training as planned?"

These questions can be unsettling! It may be helpful to know that most apprenticeships can continue despite pregnancy.

Of course, there is much to consider and adjustments to be made. But a little determination will go a long way in allowing you to complete your vocational training, pregnant or not.

How Do I Complete My Career Training While Pregnant?

Your technical training may not be ideal for pregnancy, depending on your trade and employment situation, but adjustments usually make it possible for you to continue learning your trade.

The sooner you and your supervisor create an individualized training plan, the better the outcome.

💡Specific Considerations

  • Avoiding Hazards: Tradespeople work with more hazards than most other professions. Your employer must ensure that you do not perform tasks that are unsafe for you or your baby.

For detailed information, go to Pregnancy Accommodations

  • Class Requirements: While you may have to pause part of your on-the-job training, would it be possible to focus on your studies and complete the required classwork for your apprenticeship?

§ Legal Protections for Pregnant Women Learning a Trade

Every region has laws for your protection and support when pregnant during an apprenticeship. You may not be discriminated against! Discover which laws apply to your situation by clicking your country below.

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⏰ Your Timeframe: Three Variables

Making the following adjustments could help you to complete your career training while pregnant.

1. Graduation Before the Due Date

Would it be possible to complete your course requirements and graduate before your due date? Talk to your supervisor or guidance counselor to determine whether you have the option of graduating early or delaying your final exams according to your needs.

2. Delayed Graduation

Because of the likelihood of more prolonged absences due to pregnancy, maternity leave, and parental leave, discuss the option of delayed graduation with your supervisor.

3. Switching to Part-Time

You may want to reduce your hours and switch to part-time training to have more time for your child.

Perhaps you are wondering how to make it financially.

➡️  Financial Resources

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Where to Go from Here?

It may be advisable to inform all parties involved about your pregnancy as soon as possible to adjust your vocational training as efficiently as possible. This way, everyone can adapt well and plan for absences early.

Whom to tell first:

Before telling any co-workers or fellow students, it is a good idea to inform your superiors and teachers. Doing so will avoid malicious talk and allow your program coordinator to speak to others on your behalf.

Here is whom you need to talk to in your region:

    • ​​If your technical college has a guidance counselor, this person should be your first point of contact.
    • Your title IX coordinator will be able to explain your rights to you and identify which exemptions to apply for.
    • Your supervisor needs to know as soon as possible to allow you to avoid hazards at work.
    • Your teacher needs to be informed if you want an extension, deferral, or excused absence.
    • Seek out your technical college's financial aid counselor.
  • UK

    • Discuss your pregnancy with your tutor and your shift manager. If your tutor does not provide sufficient support by giving you the extensions and risk assessment you need, contact the head of your department for advice.
    • Talk to the student welfare office and student support services.


    • Your program handbook will tell you whom to approach for accommodations and deferrals. This would be your superior at work as well as the vocational school office, the student affairs committee, your department office, or your tutor, but not the examinations office. The delegated person would bring your request for leave before the academic registry.
    • Contact your course director if you would like to decrease your study load. Speak to your subject coordinator about accommodations, such as extensions.
    • Contact your superior at work and your course director if you want to decrease your work and study load.
    • Speak to your subject/course coordinator about accommodations, such as extensions. You must also supply a medical certificate stating your fitness to continue your apprenticeship.
    • Get in touch with the student liaison team (disability) if pregnancy symptoms disrupt your studies.
    • When pregnant, you can withdraw from your apprenticeship without penalty and complete the placement later. Discuss this with the program convenor.
  • Canada

    • Talk to your superior at work.
    • For accommodations and deferrals, contact the technical college's registrar’s office.
    • Contact the equality service staff of your training school for advice.
    • Your enrolment services advisor is another helpful point of contact.

    New Zealand

    You are required by law to take a risk assessment exam when you get pregnant during vocational training. Here is a sample risk assessment template. Ask your program coordinator and work supervisor how to proceed.

    South Africa

    • If you are taking classes, go to the office of student support (OSS) for assistance. They will arrange for you to take a leave of absence (LOA) rather than de-register

    Talk to your module coordinator and work manager. You may be asked to show the baby’s birth certificate.

A good rapport with your superiors and colleagues would probably make your announcement easier. But no matter your relationship, you can confidently tell them about the pregnancy. You are of childbearing age. Therefore, getting pregnant is not out of the ordinary. At any rate, you can expect your employer to respond professionally.

Awaiting a Permanent Contract and Pregnant?

What if you become pregnant at the end of your training and anticipate a permanent contract? Your hesitancy in announcing your pregnancy would be understandable. Carefully consider the implications of either telling your boss or staying silent!

In some countries, announcing the pregnancy as soon as possible works in your favor, as pregnancy is a protected status with special rights and privileges.

For more information, go to:

Other Questions or Concerns?

Experiencing a surprise pregnancy during your apprenticeship can make you feel like your world is falling apart. Apart from the educational considerations, you probably have additional concerns you are dealing with.

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