Pregnancy and Mental Health

Pregnancy and Mental Health

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Coping With Mental Health Issues During Pregnancy

  • Many women struggle now and then with feeling mentally drained and emotionally stressed.
  • Pregnancy is an exceptional situation, physically and emotionally, which may create an additional strain on your emotional resources.
  • With sufficient support, kindness to yourself, and an awareness of your strengths, you will recognise what path is right for you.

💪 What are my untapped resources? Strengths Finder Test

Do you have any questions or concerns? Write your message directly here ⬇️

Dealing with Mental Stress… and Pregnant

Mental health conditions may predate the pregnancy:

  • They may manifest themselves as sadness, anxiety, or the sense of not coping well with some aspects of life.
  • A doctor may have diagnosed a specific mental health condition such as depression, anxiety disorder, addiction, or borderline personality disorder.

While pregnancy is an emotionally and physically intense experience that may intensify these symptoms, this is not necessarily the case. Some women draw new strength from pregnancy, allowing their emotional state to improve significantly.

Maybe you have experienced a lot recently, or perhaps you feel as if you have lost your joy and feel down from time to time.

So far, you might have managed well without medication or counselling. But at times, you might feel like you almost reached your breaking point.

Or maybe you have been living with a mental health diagnosis for a while.

Perhaps your emotional exhaustion stems from your empathetic nature. Are you intuitive about the feelings of others? Do you sense what they are going through and bear some of their burdens? This can lead to mental exhaustion, causing you not to feel like yourself.

And now that you are pregnant, it is only natural for concerns and anxiety to arise...

This page aims to encourage you in your journey, providing ideas and information on navigating this new situation.

🌤 For immediate tips, click here to jump to Steps Toward Mental Health in Pregnancy.

Pregnancy — a Transitional State

Pregnancy is a profound experience that may throw your emotions out of balance. Concern and elation can alternate from one moment to the next. This teeter-totter of emotions in early pregnancy is mainly caused by hormones and is completely normal. The changes in hormone levels can lead to fatigue, and nausea, as well as rumination, and a lack of joy.

👍 Fortunately, this usually only lasts a few weeks.

This emotional roller coaster can be particularly challenging for women who are more emotionally fragile by nature—especially if the pregnancy was unintended.

⛅️ Sometimes, an emotional low is caused by prenatal depression. If you are experiencing an emotional low to an extent that feels unprecedented, you might find it helpful to read Depression During Pregnancy – Causes and Solutions.

👥 Pregnant: How does my personality type affect my pregnancy? Take the Personality Test

Taking Antidepressants During Pregnancy

You may wonder whether you need to stop taking antidepressants now that you are pregnant. You may also fear that your medication could have harmed the baby.

Most types of antidepressants do not harm the baby. Ask your psychologist and gynaecologist about continuing your medication. On rare occasions, it may be necessary to switch to another antidepressant.

🧑 Do not quit your medication without consulting your doctor, as this may cause your symptoms to worsen. Your medical provider will help you decide what is best for you and the baby.

➡️ Wondering whether your medication is safe for the baby? Go to Mother to Baby.

🍷🚬💊 Tox Test: Is my baby okay?

Abortion for Mental Health Reasons?

A diagnosis of depression can be worrisome. Many women are concerned about being entrusted with a child's care while not feeling mentally and emotionally strong. They fear that a pregnancy could jeopardise their hard-won stability or push them beyond their breaking point.

Perhaps you can relate. And you may be considering an abortion for just that reason.

Many women considering abortion for mental health reasons sense that this could also trigger (additional) emotional distress.

Are you interested in finding out more?

📙 Anticipated Emotional Effects of an Abortion
🛤 Could an abortion affect me long-term? — Quiz

Your thoughts and emotions matter! Don’t keep your struggles to yourself! Seek support — from a professional counsellor or good friends who can strengthen you right now.

Additionally, here are some steps you could take:

Mental Health Tips

The following steps may help you in addressing the challenging situation:

1. Give Yourself Grace 🧡

You are not expected to have an exact plan. It is entirely understandable that you are still unsure how to deal with the situation. Your circumstances are probably far from easy. Your desire to discern a way forward reveals your courage and sense of responsibility.

Seeking answers is the first and most crucial step in finding a good solution!

2. Competent Medical Support 🧑‍⚕

Medical professionals frequently treat pregnant women for mental health needs. Talk to your doctor about your specific concerns. You can choose whether to consult your primary care provider or your OB/Gyn.

If you already receive mental health care, invite your therapist to contact your doctor. If you are not currently in counselling but would like to be, ask your doctor for a referral.

Teaming up is especially needful when considering a prescription or a change in medication. Safe alternatives are available in most cases, which work well during pregnancies and are not harmful to your baby.

Proper medical support may allow you to experience a completely "normal" pregnancy and provide a foundation for a good start into motherhood.

3. Peer Support 🙌

People who are more sensitive by nature often recognise who really cares. You may be able to think of empathetic people you could count on. Talk with them about what is going on for your own reassurance and comfort.

Don’t be afraid to open up about your hopes and dreams. Have the courage to ask for the help you need in raising a child. There are always situations in which we need to depend on others.

Being able to accept help, rather than always giving it, is a sign of strength.

4. How Did You Manage in the Past? 👍

You are probably familiar with times when everything seemed bleak or life was just plain hard. At the same time, you have somehow gotten through these times and mastered these phases.


  • What was your source of strength in those situations?
  • How did you recharge your batteries?
  • What strengths did you discover within yourself?
  • How can you implement some of these things right now?

5. Shifting Your Focus to Positive Ideas and Goals ✨

Despite your worries—or in taking active steps to fight them—choose to dwell on the positive and beautiful images that may come to mind when considering the pregnancy and life with this baby. What are your deepest desires? What are you curious about or looking forward to? What does your most wonderful dream look like?

Bringing these images to mind repeatedly and holding onto them—perhaps by writing them down or painting them—can help ensure that your courage and hope become stronger than any negative feelings or worries.

6. Additional Resources

It would be unnerving to walk into the unknown without any support. You are not alone! Will you allow us to walk alongside you? Our digital judgment-free resources are tailored to your needs:

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Authors & Sources


Jeanette Onusseit,

Kerstin Dörbecker

Reviewed by:

Team of Medical Doctors & Team of Psychologists


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