Pregnant after Stopping Birth Control?

Pregnant after Stopping Birth Control?

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How Soon Can You Get Pregnant after the Pill?

  • There are various reasons for going off the pill. Some women want to switch to another method of contraception. Others are hoping to have a baby and want to become pregnant.
  • What physical changes take place when going off birth control? How soon can you get pregnant after getting off the pill?
  • Maybe you are feeling unsure about some symptoms you are experiencing. Or perhaps you are worried about an unplanned pregnancy after stopping the pill.

This page provides information and guidance regarding these questions.

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🤰 "Am I pregnant?" - Take the Online Pregnancy Test
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What to Expect after Stopping Birth Control

Many women get off birth control for a variety of reasons. Some are concerned about the side effects of artificial hormones and want to try a more natural method, while others desire to get pregnant.

Your body reacts after stopping birth control by starting hormonal withdrawal bleeding—similar to what happens during a monthly pill break. It usually takes time for hormone levels to stabilise and for the body to resume any functions that had been previously blocked. If you are about to get off birth control, be patient with yourself as your body adjusts!

Note: The following side effects are possible but not prescriptive:

In 50% of cases, the transition goes almost unnoticed. The ease of adjustment depends on one's overall health, the time span over which the medication was taken, the active ingredients, and the starting age for taking birth control.

Most adjustments should be complete within three months.

Getting Off Birth Control: Possible Side Effects

  • Initially, one's menstrual cycle may be irregular, skipping or delaying ovulation. While there may initially be no menstrual bleeding, low hormone levels may lead to inter-menstrual bleeding or spotting.

  • Hormone withdrawal may cause increased hair loss, which usually resolves itself quickly.

  • Menstrual bleeding may become heavier for a time since the growth of the uterine lining is no longer suppressed.

  • Your skin may be affected. While pre-existing skin issues may return after dropping the pill, some women report an overall improvement in their skin’s appearance.

Although these side effects may be unpleasant, there are plenty of reasons to push through:

Fewer Health Risks

  • The risk of developing breast cancer, increased by birth control pills, decreases back to a lower level.

  • Diminished risk of developing blood clots.

  • Reduced tendency toward headaches and depression.

  • Counter-indications with other medications are no longer an issue.

  • Artificial hormones cause a decrease in your body’s pH level. Your acidity levels will now return to normal.

Positive Effects On Your Relationship

Hormones play an important role in relationships—they can contribute to a fulfilling sex life. Taking artificial hormones can negatively impact your relationship. Here are some positive changes that women have noted after stopping the pill:

  • The woman often feels a renewed attraction toward her partner.

  • Increased desire for sexual intimacy.

  • Some women describe the effect as a relationship makeover.

  • Women often feel more balanced and mentally stronger. This, in turn, can have a positive impact on one's daily life as a couple.

After Birth Control: How Soon Can You Get Pregnant?

Contraceptive protection is no longer guaranteed as soon as the first pill is missed. That point could mark the beginning of a natural menstrual cycle.

As previously noted, it may take a while for one’s body to adjust. On the other hand, cases are also known in which women have become pregnant immediately after getting off birth control.

Case in point are women who forgot to take the daily pill one single time — and were then holding a positive pregnancy test a few weeks later. This proves that even missing a single dose is sufficient for triggering ovulation and starting the menstrual cycle.

This means that it is possible to become pregnant within days of stopping the pill without ever starting one's menstrual period. Ovulation, which always precedes menstruation, can occur immediately after ceasing birth control, allowing for conception.

After the Pill: Anxious About Being or Becoming Pregnant

If you have recently stopped using birth control and have noticed that you haven’t started your period yet, you may wonder, “Could I be pregnant?”

Our tip: 🤰 Take our Online Pregnancy Test by answering three multiple-choice questions and receive an immediate evaluation.

If your test results are positive and you are indeed pregnant—this may come as a complete surprise so soon after coming off birth control. You probably have a lot going through your mind and are wondering where to go from here. These are some steps you can take:

Trying to Get Pregnant after Birth Control

Some women get off birth control, because they would like to start a family.

While the pill is no longer a hindering factor in becoming pregnant, immediate conception is by no means guaranteed. Despite unprotected sex, many women initially have a hard time getting pregnant. This can be upsetting and emotionally painful…

The following statistics provide a reason for hope:

Statistical Likelihood of Conceiving After Going off Birth Control:

According to statistics, seventy percent of couples conceive within the first six months after stopping birth control (after more than five years of taking the pill). Within a year, almost 90 percent of couples anticipate a baby.

Note: The higher the estrogen content of the pill (i.e., the stronger the pill), the longer it usually takes to become pregnant.

Experiences and Stories

"I’m 23 and stopped taking the pill last July simply because I wasn’t happy with it as a contraceptive method and was curious about how my body would feel without additional hormones. (Before that, I had been taking the pill continuously since I was 15 or 16). In the following months, I had a beautifully reliable 28-day cycle. Now, I’m a week late, although I can’t say for sure since the last few months, unlike the first ones, have been very irregular—I even had my period again after just ten days at one point."


You can read Lina's full story on our German Profemina forumprofemina's open forum.

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Authors & Sources


Jeanette Onusseit,
Dr. med. Barbara Dohr,
Medical Doctor

Kerstin Dörbecker

Reviewed by:

Team of Medical Doctors


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