The Mysterious

The Mysterious

530899930 | Boiko Olha |

The Mysterious is a fascinating individual. She has her very own perspective on the world but doesn't necessarily share it with everyone.

'Still waters run deep.' The Mysterious is such a profound person — whoever gets to know her will discover an extraordinary personality.

Quality over Quantity; Candlelight over Spotlight

The Mysterious is a relatively rare personality type. She is a clever individualist whose thoughts are sometimes way over others’ heads.

She is curious and bursting with clever ideas. She often keeps these ideas to herself, though, and rarely uses them to be the centre of attention. The Mysterious feels more comfortable in a familiar, intimate setting. She therefore shuns the limelight and seeks few but dependable friendships and relationships.

The Mysterious is not at all naïve; she knows how this world works. She sets clear goals and usually achieves them. Sometimes, however, she has difficulty correctly assessing and predicting the behaviour of those around her.

The Mysterious avoids the superficial and the trivial. She tends to know what really matters — and sometimes finds shallow conversations tiring.

A Thirst for Knowledge — Also During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, many of her qualities come in handy. The Mysterious loves to take on challenges and solve them with the power of her mind. In addition, she is curious — what could be more exciting than bringing her own baby into the world?

The Mysterious wants to know how everything works and quickly gathers as much information as possible on various topics — including pregnancy, birth and parenting.

The Mysterious values privacy over publicity. Especially now, during pregnancy and later with her newborn, she prefers to spend her time in seclusion with her family. She will create a home for her child where they both feel relaxed.

The Mysterious mum will find it easy to know what is good for her children. As a result, she will raise them to become independent and intelligent individuals. 

A Mum Like No Other

Sometimes, the Mysterious finds it difficult to understand other people’s feelings. Her focus is on thoughts rather than emotions. At times, mothering may, therefore, pose an emotional challenge.

Often, mums are portrayed as having strong feelings and overflowing emotions. The Mysterious might ask herself, 'Am I made for this?' And yes, she is! This world needs mums who can keep their cool. No two babies are alike. Correspondingly, each mother is unique.

During pregnancy, the Mysterious may also discover an emotional side of herself that had previously gone unnoticed. 

If the Pregnancy Is Difficult…

What if the Mysterious struggles with the pregnancy? Even then, it is essential for her to remain true to herself as she wrestles with making the right decision.

The Mysterious isn't afraid to think for herself and find her path; this can be advantageous if the timing or other circumstances of the pregnancy aren't 'normal' or 'ideal.' Sharing her possibly 'unconventional' thoughts in an unprejudiced atmosphere may help her find her path. Therefore, she may find pregnancy counselling beneficial. This can create a safe space for her to express her fears and heartache.

The Mysterious loves perfection, allowing everything to run like clockwork. But occasionally, things don't always run smoothly during pregnancy and as a mum. This poses an opportunity for the Mysterious to accept the imperfect moments when things don’t go as planned.

The Mysterious will do well as a mom because she is a fascinating person who can think outside the box. This is a tremendous gift she can pass on to her child.

💚 How Do I Determine a Way Forward?

Perhaps you are currently faced with the question of how to proceed with the pregnancy. Your mind is probably racing as you contemplate whether you should have an abortion or keep the baby.
Sign up for our weeklong Decision Coaching journey if you would like to use us as a sounding board while you discern what path to follow. On seven consecutive days, you will receive a daily email with insights, stories of other women and tips for your decision: ➡️ Click here to register.

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