The Energetic

The Energetic

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The Energetic is full of energy. She loves to get things done and enjoys large crowds. So, it's a good thing that she is usually very popular and has an extensive friend group.

During pregnancy, it is essential for the Energetic to spend quality time with her friends — and use it as a source of strength for the task ahead. In addition, since the Energetic is always on the move, she may also benefit from discovering her calmer self. 

Always in the Thick of Things

The Energetic is an outgoing person who enjoys spending time with her friends. She is more interested in the here and now than in planning for the future.

The Energetic has a great sense of humour and loves to be the centre of attention. She finds it easy to draw others into her ideas and plans. In conversations, she often seems to be one step ahead. The Energetic has little patience for dry discussions and prefers to keep things entertaining and exciting. Because of her open nature, she mainly attracts friends who share her zest for life.

In a relationship, the Energetic is a loving partner who never lets things get boring. She likes to care for her partner but sometimes finds it hard to talk about her feelings.

One Pregnancy, a Thousand Thoughts

The Energetic usually shows little hesitation in devoting herself to this new challenge of pregnancy and even stays upbeat. She actively addresses problems immediately and seeks creative solutions.

When it comes to getting ready for the baby, the Energetic instantly has a myriad of ideas but sometimes finds it difficult to establish a structure among this flood of thoughts.

If the Pregnancy is Challenging…

The Energetic may have concerns regarding her pregnancy, perceiving it as a limiting factor. Until now, she had focused on making a splash rather than the deeper meaning of life. Now she is confronted with the idea that something as profoundly intimate as motherhood awaits her at the end of her pregnancy. There is no way around taking a stand on this matter.

The Energetic may also wonder how she will contend with the fact that being the mother of a small child might limit some of her other activities. But, at the same time, an Energetic mother will always find a way to use her drive and creativity to turn everyday life with a child into an exciting adventure — namely, by being on the go, meeting new people and loving life.

Always in a Good Mood – Even as a Mother

As a mother, the Energetic often bonds with her children over their appreciation for spontaneity and action. She shares her children's deep curiosity about the world and usually encourages them to participate in sports and take risks. Additionally, the Energetic takes great pleasure in seeing her children experience a sense of accomplishment and actively supports them in achieving their goals.

She teaches her children how to live in the here and now and make the most of every situation. The Energetic mother handles unexpected situations calmly and always has a spontaneous backup plan.

The Energetic celebrates the uniqueness of her children and strives to give each child the freedom to find their path in life. Her answers are logical and creative when asked for advice, and she makes her children laugh, even amid challenging situations. Her sense of humour transforms her environment into a place where life is fun. Her child can only benefit from her approach to life.

💚 How Do I Determine a Way Forward?

Perhaps you are currently faced with the question of how to proceed with the pregnancy. Your mind is probably racing as you contemplate whether you should have an abortion or keep the baby.
For further guidance, sign up for our free Decision Coaching sessions. You will then receive a daily email for 7 days containing food for thought, experiences from other women and tips for reaching a decision ➡️ Sign up here.

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