Profemina's Counseling Services

Profemina's Counseling Services

Your well-being is our priority!

Free, Comprehensive, and Confidential Digital Counseling

You are offered:

  • Comprehensive information regarding pregnancy, unintended pregnancy, and abortion.
  • Unbiased support in discerning your unique path through online tests and immediate evaluations.
  • Unrestricted access to all our digital resources.

You decide:

  • When you want to use our resourcesβ€”day or night.
  • The frequency and scope of free services you receive.
  • Whether you use your regular email address or create a temporary one for your interaction with us.

Utilize any of our digital counseling and tests, and an immediate professional evaluation will appear on your screen:

Decision-Coaching Journey

Have an abortion or keep the baby β€” how do I decide?
Are you experiencing an unplanned pregnancy and want to make a decision that is right for you?

It is my honor to walk alongside you as you come to a decision. Sign up now to start your free 7-day email coaching sessions! You will receive the first email as soon as you register.

*We keep your data safe. You can unsubscribe at anytime.

Your coach: Maria, Profemina team member since 2018

Die profemina-Beratung

485156338 | Cast of Thousands |

You decide what really matters!

Profemina Experiences

For many years now, we have been a trusted resource for women dealing with unintended pregnancies. So far, we have had the privilege of counseling more than 500,000 women. Based on this wealth of experience and our expertise in the psychological, medical, systemic, and socio-pedagogical fields, we are continually improving our counseling services.

"Profemina accompanied me in my decision-making process. They were understanding, shed light on various aspects, stayed focused on my needs, and helped me rely on my own strengths without pushing me in any direction. I have rarely felt so well-supported.

They do excellent work and have my highest recommendation."


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