Our Editorial Team

Our Editorial Team

Our Website Team

Our team is comprised of collaborators with a wide range of experience and expertise. The unifying factor? Our heartfelt desire to provide pregnant women facing difficult situations with the best possible information, advice and support.

Content and Editing

  • Camille de la Houplière, educational science student
  • Verena Küpper, social scientist, scholar in humanities and Profemina counsellor
  • Jeanette Onusseit, psychologist, logotherapist and Profemina counsellor
  • Yvonne Onusseit, educational scientist, logotherapist, Profemina counsellor and Profemina editor-in-chief

Translations and Local Content

  • Tatiana Bettencourt, translations (German/Portuguese)
  • Carine de Leeuw, political and social scientist (German/French)
  • Kerstin Dörbecker, English and educational linguist (German/English)
  • Haley Panico, copy editor (German/English)
  • Isabelle Petersen, German philologist (German/French)
  • Anna Spandri, foreign correspondent (German/Italian)

Webmasters, Web Development, and Design

  • Rebecca Dietrich, sports science student
  • Susanna Dietrich, education student for English and Italian
  • Daniel Hager, IT specialist and health scientist
  • Franziska Hohenlohe, economic psychologist
  • Edith Miller, student of communication sciences and education
  • Stefan Schäfer, motion and graphic designer
  • Verena Schlagheck, student of political sciences
Autoren und Experten

Authors and Experts

Our website team relies on the assistance of experts regarding content and language, e.g. authors and content editors. Thanks to our international team of native language speakers, Profemina is no longer limited to providing its services in German-speaking regions, but also caters to a growing range of other languages and countries.

Our Medical Professionals

Our medical doctors on staff generate or review all our website’s medical content. Leaning on their expertise and experience in the medical-psychiatric field, they ensure that all content is medically accurate.

  • Dr. Barbara Dohr, MD, logotherapist and Profemina counsellor
  • Dr. Roswitha Henkel, MD and Profemina counsellor
  • Martina Kaufmann, physician and Profemina counsellor
  • Maria Spandri, physician

Our Psychology Department

Our team of psychologists has practiced in a wide range of counselling and psychological fields, including couples counselling, women’s counselling, psychiatry and psychotherapy. Being familiar with different therapy methods, they can offer helpful suggestions in crisis situations and point out what would benefit the individual.

  • Clara Inocêncio, psychologist
  • Jeanette Onusseit, psychologist, logotherapist and Profemina counsellor
  • Bianca Oser, therapist and Profemina counsellor

Our Team of Social Pedagogues

Our team of social pedagogues is experienced in working with children, youth and families. They ensure that topics relating to social justice are kept up-to-date and provide information on further assistance for women and families. In doing so, they ensure that our focus remains on the individual rather than merely providing factual information.

  • Mafalda Líbano Monteiro, social worker
  • Maria Nagele, social pedagogue and Profemina counsellor
  • Kerstin Sonsalla, social pedagogue and Profemina counsellor

Our Team of Linguists

Our experts in linguistics put the finishing touches on our texts but also enjoy the creative element of writing new articles. In doing so, they ensure that our texts are still both easy to read and comprehensible, even when dealing with complex subject matters.

  • Simon Püschel, German scholar and editor
  • Friedrich Reusch, German scholar and historian

Our Legal Support:

Our team of legal practitioners is comprised of employees as well as volunteers, who safeguard that our legal content is sound.

  • Julia S. Fischer, attorney
  • Agathe Kerscher, attorney

Our Data Protection and Security Team

Your personal information is safe and protected at Profemina. Since our technology is constantly evolving, our data protection team continuously ensures that your data remains secure.

  • Bernhard Binner, data protection officer (TÜV — Technical Monitoring Organisation)
  • Artur Krieg, IT

Our Quality Control — In Content Creation

Extreme meticulousness is applied to the creation of all content and keeping it up-to-date. The following standards are important to us:

• Profemina draws on many years of counselling experience
• An interdisciplinary approach
• Rigorous research
• Monitoring and updating
• Translation and cultural adaptation
• Cutting edge counselling technology

Profemina Draws on Many Years of Counselling Experience

Our Profemina counselling team relies on relevant professional qualifications in counselling women who are conflicted about their pregnancy, as well as many years of experience passed down from one counsellor to the next.

Most of the content on this homepage has its source in our counselling work.

An Interdisciplinary Approach

Our editorial team is comprised of staff members with a variety of qualifications and talents. Our content is enriched by this wide range of socio-educational, journalistic, linguistic and digital perspectives. All content is reviewed by several editors and, in some cases, also subjected to an external check, e.g. legal or medical.

Rigorous Research

We research all information with great diligence. It is important to us that you are comprehensively informed and have access to information that is not readily available elsewhere.

Monitoring and Updating

When we publish a text on our site, the work is not over: we continuously update our texts based on new facts or your feedback. For example, all texts containing information on social services are checked twice a year by default to see if they need updating — reflecting official adjustments in benefit levels.

Translation and Cultural Adaptation

Translations are tailored to the target language and culture, to meet the readers’ specific needs within their local context.

Cutting Edge Counselling Technology

All technical features are regularly tested regarding performance and are continuously optimised. Our expertise in counselling, linguistics and technology ensures the continuous enhancement of our digital coaching services. We aim to make counselling available in a low-threshold and effective format — even without the need for personal interaction.

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