Pre-Abortion Requirements Wait Time for an Abortion Appointment

Wait Time for an Abortion Appointment

744154720 | Chutima Chaochaiya |

How Soon Can I Get an Abortion?

  • Some regions have a mandatory waiting period, although this is not currently required in the UK.
  • Many clinics schedule two separate visits. One for counselling and check-up, the other for the abortion procedure.
  • Especially when feeling pressured, a wait time can be an opportunity to determine what path best represents one’s values, thoughts, and desires.

This page provides information on the wait time for abortion in your area.

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Pre-Abortion Requirements

Most abortions are performed within a specific time window, in which two sets of requirements must be met:

Pre-Abortion Requirements

1. Abortion Consultation

The abortion process usually includes a consultation element. Counselling is frequently offered at this point, on top of the necessary medical examinations. While counselling is not mandatory in the UK, most clinics provide it upon request.

Ideally, this would be the place for you to raise concerns, ask questions, think through options and make a decision you feel good about in the long run.

Often, this wait time is a vital opportunity for women to pause and weigh the loss of the baby against all other factors. Women often change their minds at this point, deciding that the baby trumps life's other demands.

If you desire counselling beyond what was offered, you can:

2. Mandated Waiting Period

Twelve US states have mandatory waiting periods that range from 24 to 72 hours. The Republic of Ireland is the only other English-speaking country with a mandated waiting period before an abortion. Three full days must pass between the initial consultation and the abortion procedure. This means that a woman who receives pre-abortion counseling on a Monday cannot have an abortion until Friday.

At five days, the Netherlands has one of the longest mandated waiting periods worldwide. The UK does not have a mandatory waiting period.

3. Ultrasound Requirement

Whilst not applicable in the UK, pre-abortion ultrasound requirements must be met in some regions before having an abortion. This acts as a safeguard to establish the length of pregnancy and ensure that the pregnancy is intrauterine and intact.

Legal Cut-Off Date

Gestational limits are threshold restrictions allowing for abortion within a specified time period and for a specific reason. These indicators include socioeconomic, health of the mother, foetal defect, rape or incest and life of the mother.

How Soon Can I Get an Abortion Appointment?

While most countries have no specific waiting requirements, other stipulations create an automatic delay. In Great Britain, a consultation appointment can usually be obtained within 1-5 working days, and an abortion appointment within 5-10 working days. The same applies to Northern Ireland; however, many abortions still require travel to England, which should ne factored into planning.

Note: If your waiting period causes you to exceed the threshold restriction, abortion is no longer an option in your situation. In this case, the wait time has resolved the decision for you. There is no legal exception if you cross the gestational limit during this waiting period or while awaiting further tests ordered by a doctor.

Abortion as Soon as Possible?!

Perhaps you stumbled upon this page because you are feeling under time pressure. The experience of this set of circumstances may be weighing you down, causing you to long for immediate relief. Yet this is a situation you had probably never wanted to face and you are aware of the gravity of this decision. Any trial is an opportunity to show what we are made of...

Women frequently share with us that they were advised to decide as quickly as possible. This well-meaning counsel can lead to a great deal of pressure. Consider a woman who has not had the opportunity to think through her situation and her options – she would be unsure which path was the best choice for her.

Speeding up decision-making process may lead to a choice she later regrets.

Taking sufficient time beforehand often results in greater peace about the decision in the long run. You owe it to yourself!

Waiting for an Abortion Appointment?

The time it takes for your appointment date to roll around is a gift to you. Use it to think through what you want.

Remember that you are the one who gets to determine what really matters!

This will allow you to make a choice that resonates with your deepest longings and convictions. You are under no obligation to keep the appointment if you are not at peace with having the procedure.

Seek the support of others! Is there someone you know who would be there for you without trying to influence your decision?

Allow us to be your judgement-free sounding board as you determine the path that matches your values and desires. Here are some tests you may find helpful:

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While we strive to provide you with the most up-to-date information possible, abortion regulations are constantly shifting. Profemina has no influence on wait times and takes no responsibility for deviations from these average numbers.

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